The NFL season is upon us. For me its like a second Christmas without all the Jesus speak - especially since Jerry Rice retired.
The NFL Blackout rule has most cities fans left out of TV viewing of home games. If your team's stadium doesn't sell out by Thursday - you have no chance of viewing the game. Nope - not even on the NFL Package from Direct TV. Enjoy your AM radio broadcast.
A lot of people would like to see the Blackout rule lifted since we are in a downturn with our economy. The problem with this is if the NFL owners give away their product for free as in seats open - this will push them closer to Pay per view sporting events. I'm pretty sure within the next several years we will see the beginning of Pay per view for the major sporting events. Would you be willing to shell out $50.00 to watch the Superbowl? How about the World Series of $100.00 for all 4 to 7 games worth? How about $75.00 to watch Dayton 500? $75.00 for Indy 500? $35.00 to watch the Masters? It goes on and on........
So for you folks displeased with the NFL blackout rule and voice your anger with it - be warned you could possibly win and get your games on TV this year, but it will only open the box that will stick you in your wallet later.....