Friday, December 18, 2009

Got Stress During Holidays? Need Sinus Pressure Relief? Tapping works!

Tapping away your Stress and Sinus

EFT is quickly becoming popular among people with allergy symptoms. Don’t be afraid to try it, though it might seem a little foolish. There has been a lot of positive feedback among people who have tried EFT. You can do this early in the morning when you first wake up or at the end of the day. Tapping is easy to learn and can be done by anyone. I don’t say the verbal commands aloud, just in my head. Tap hard but do not so hard that it hurts. The basic theory behind tapping is the same as acupuncture. You are tapping on critical points where the bodies “Qi” or energy flow can be adjusted.

Make sure you have enough time to watch the video uninterrupted the first time you view it, so you can fully grasp what is happening. After you can perform EFT/Tapping with out using the video.

Though the video is about 18 minutes long once you learn how to do it, I suggest you simplify it so it takes 3 or 4 minutes to do and repeat it a few times if you find it helping your allergy symptoms that involve blockage of the sinus or respiratory systems. Of all the allergy solutions and exercises you come across this is my favorite, hopefully it will help with your allergy symptoms. Tapping was first used for depression and anxiety but has quickly become popular for treating many ailments.